Nomad Camper Uses

 This is an example of what other people have done with my build plans.


Welcome to

   Elkins D.I.Y.

The intent of this website is not to just showcase my many creations, but hopefully inspire YOU to make something with your own hands.

The 'Projects' tab above will guide you to more pictures and story line of the thumbnail pictures shown below.  Most catagories have more than one page.  

There are no advertisements here, and you can share any picture on social media.  

You can help support my website by purchasing any of my build plans, or my Ebook.

Also if you haven't already, check out my YouTube channel. The link is above. Lots to see there.

Thanks for stopping by,

Paul Elkins

Build Plans:

 I offer PDF build plans that you can download and print out for a nominal price. Below is an example from the Little Miss Sally electric boat plan. 


This 82 page PDF picture and commentary book features just a few of my early drawings on transportation ideas, mobile homes and fun ridable contraptions. 

Latest Project:

DIY Log Dolly

Here's a dolly I made for hauling logs and driftwood off the beach.

Click the image to see the build details.