Once again I had a stump that needed some use. After discussing the possibilities with my wife we thought of our old Gnome stump home back at the Stanwood home.
Why not make a Gnome Little Library!
After making a perfect plywood box my wife wanted a cock-eyed Dr. Seuss looking roof, so with the help of an old 2×6 I cut these roof beams a little askew.
The clear siding and roof boards came from an old thick cedar board that came from my 1960 Lyndal cedar home.
After adding red stained linseed oil to the exterior I decide to put the Gnome in the attic to watch over the place. A solar garden lamp was hacked and lights up the attic interior at night.
I got a token mini book from Lloyd Kahn the author of many eye candy architectural books. The Gnome wanted it. I obliged and let him have it. A small price for security.