Other ideas

Log dolly

March 14, 2025

This was a log I found on a beach nearby where I live. It was too big and heavy to drag it to a place where I could load it onto my truck. I decided to make a dolly with a few bits and pieces of light gauge steel tubing I had in my storage…

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Giant Pinwheel

January 13, 2023

After purchasing two dozen sheets of fluted plastic I was wondering what else could be made with this material. The idea of a pinwheel always appealed to me. After doing some research on the internet, I bumped into (Dr. ARod’s Art) Youtube channel. It was there that I got the idea of making a GIANT…

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Gnome Little Library

May 14, 2022

Once again I had  a stump that needed some use. After discussing the possibilities with my wife we thought of our old Gnome stump home back at the Stanwood home. Why not make a Gnome Little Library! After making a perfect plywood box my wife wanted a cock-eyed Dr. Seuss looking roof, so with the…

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Coro back rest seat

January 25, 2022

  Early Native Americans may have been the first to create a comfortable back-rest such as this. This is not a new idea. As you may realize by now I like fluted plastic. It’s a wonderful sturdy material that I’m discovering can be used for lots of things. I was curious to see how well…

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DIY truck scaffolding

October 13, 2021

Here’s something I slapped together with some boards and screws I had lying around. I have a wall of out-0f-control evergreen trees that grow on two sides of my lot property. Notice the power line up high. Normally the public utility outfit trims my trees down every so often, but after Covid maintenance has slowed…

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Bucket toilet stabilizers

December 2, 2020

My old camper doesn’t have a bathroom, which is fine except when you need to tinkle in the middle of the night. So we ordered a two room shower tent and a snap on bucket toilet seat from Amazon. Right away I discovered a potential problem. Too tippy even for my scrawny butt! Not long…

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Cordless screwdriver bit holder

September 3, 2020

I was tired of running back and forth to my screw-bit selection kit. I found this little 10 bit holder, (which is about all that I use anyway) and whittled the base with a rat tail and cured file to fit snuggly on the top of my Dewalt cordless screwdriver. I glued it in place…

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Livingston boat ramps and dolly

June 11, 2020

Not long ago I acquired a free 9 foot 160 pound double hull fiberglass Livingston boat. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it came without a trailer or wheels to move it around once on land. My truck has an 8 foot bed, and after taking some measurements I realized the boat could fit in the bed. The boat…

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Foot golf

May 11, 2020

This clay model was the first of several prototypes. I envisioned this being carbon fiber with a steel plate. I wasn’t sure quite how to attach it to the shoe.   This was a piece of steel from some gizmo that I had in my scrap metal box. I bent the tangs up thinking I…

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Laptop computer stand

April 15, 2020

When the Covid 19 virus hit our state my wife was forced to do video conferencing instead of going to work. After viewing others on scene, with the downward unflattering shadowed look of the neck waddle and the color of their ceiling, she decided to raise her laptop with a stack of books for a…

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