Archive for April 2019
MWB recumbent bike
This was my fourth recumbent build. I built it for my neighbor kid who thoroughly enjoyed it.
Read MoreAluminum SWB recumbent bike
This recumbent weighed in at 25 pounds. The main boom was made using 2″ aluminum tubing. To eliminate stress on the aluminum frame I placed the seat mounds directly over the steering tube and rear wheel stays. The crank length was adjustable, but often the hose clamps used to secure the crank tube would fail…
Read MoreMicro push bike
This prototype was my version of a modern micro Hobby Horse. It was intended for short trips to the bus stop, train station or subway. Unfortunately the seat put undue pressure on one’s prostate area. A later version would have included a poly suspension on the rear arm, also having the steering tube and rear…
Read MoreRecycled Campaign sign shelter
This 4 ft high by 8 ft long shelter was built almost exclusively from recycled election campaign signs including the lumber and hardware. Attached to the exterior green house is a pole that holds the gravity fed solar shower bag positioned toward the sun. Rain water is harvested for taking showers. To keep…
Read MoreCoro Kayak
For PDF plans, click here! The Coro Kayak is made with one sheet of 4mm thick fluted plastic. Releasable zip ties are used to make this a foldable boat. The seat is Made with extra material. Once the seat is attached to the hull it acts like a bulkhead keeping the sides from coming inward.…
Read MoreCoro box boat
For PDF plans, click here! The Coro box boat was a design that created more buoyancy than my first ‘V’ hull motor boat, the Coro Speed boat. At first the steering mimicked the Speed boat but then it went thru an evolution. On the next version a front storage area was included. A ‘V’ bar…
Read MoreCoro speed boat
For PDF plans, click here! The Speed boat is basically a 4×8 ft sheet of 6mm Coroplast, better known as fluted plastic. The boat folds are similar to a Chinese to-go food box except the fluids are kept outside instead of inside. Because of these folds, all that’s needed to keep the structure together are…
Read MoreDIY recumbent bicycle
I injured my knee tendons many years back on a cold ride with my old recumbent. Since then the old injury would occasionally flare up. It had been a while since doing any riding, so I made this simple bike to see if my knees could handle the stress of riding again. I liked the…
Read MoreThe Wheel
The Wheel was made for doing summersaults. I started by drawing a 4 foot diameter circle on a half sheet of 3/4″ plywood. The cut outs were aproximated. The chair was made from a 3/16″ thick section of poly plastic sheeting. 6 shelf brackets were used to secure the seat to the plywood. A seat belt…
Read MoreBurningman micro shelter
This 3 sheet 1″ thick Gorilla duct taped shelter hasn’t made it to Burningman, but was designed for playa use. Having a plywood top creates anchoring points for tie down lines, and makes it strong enough to sit on top, at least for me. If you’re heavier than 175 pounds I’d go with 1-1/2″ thick…
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